Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bear Nation

I wanted to see this when it was on the Queer film festival circuit. Fortunately I caught it this week before Netflix takes it off instant streaming on 6/1. I didn't know much about this topic, mostly my own negative stereotypes about hairy, gay, chubby white dudes. To be fair there is plenty of that, but this documentary exposed me to so much more about the Bear culture. It's funny the more we get to know people, the more alike we really are. What really struck a chord with me was this theme of being comfortable in ones own skin and wanting to feel acknowledged and accepted. The subjects in the film all talk about feeling excluded within the larger LGBT community. Then to take the discrimination a step further, thin Bears talk about being ostracized by the Bear community itself. It all sounds very familiar. I wondered as I watched the film what Bears of color think. In the film I spotted two chocolate chips in the milk in the B roll Bear Pride shots. That's one of the few critiques about the film, I would have liked more diversity. The film includes subjects from the US, Canada and Europe and only one person of color, a very cute Asian man. The film does a great job of explaining the Bear culture but at times, some interviewees seemed to look down on "more effeminate" men or as one subject stated, "limp wristed" men. The film quality was good, a few outdoor scenes has some audio issues but not terribly distracting. The interviews has some fun and innovative angles. Overall I was "Bear-y"pleased with this film.

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Location:West Hollywood, CA